def _do_submit_job(self, job, run_times): def callback(f): exc, tb = (f.exception_info() if hasattr(f, 'exception_info') else (f.exception(), getattr(f.exception(), '__traceback__', None))) if exc: self._run_job_error(job.id, exc, tb) else: self._run_job_success(job.id, f.result()) f = self._pool.submit(_run_job, job, job._jobstore_alias, run_times, self._logger.name) f.add_done_callback(callback)
def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._shutdown: raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._work_queue.put(w) self._adjust_thread_count() return f
def _worker(executor_reference, work_queue): try: while True: work_item = work_queue.get(block=True) if work_item is not None: work_item.run() # Delete references to object. See issue16284 del work_item continue executor = executor_reference() # Exit if: # - The interpreter is shutting down OR # - The executor that owns the worker has been collected OR # - The executor that owns the worker has been shutdown. if _shutdown or executor is None or executor._shutdown: # Notice other workers work_queue.put(None) return del executor except BaseException: _base.LOGGER.critical('Exception in worker', exc_info=True)
def run(self): if not self.future.set_running_or_notify_cancel(): return try: result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except BaseException as e: self.future.set_exception(e) else: self.future.set_result(result)